Submission types
Symposium (Invited or Proposed)
A Symposium is a multi-presenter session, either
- Scientific Symposium
- Practitioner Symposium
- Scientist-Practitioner Collaborative Symposium
A Symposium provides reports of empirical research, innovative practice, and/or theoretical advancement. A Symposium includes a chairperson and four to six presentations, which may include a discussant. The person(s) submitting the symposium proposal is (are) the symposium chair(s).
He/she/they should submit an integrated summary of the symposium plus all abstracts of the individual presentations. Symposium chairs are encouraged to strive for international diversity amongst the different abstracts. A Symposium should have participants from at least two different nations, and from three different affiliations (this especially for scientist symposia). A Symposium will be 90 min long. Sufficient time should be allotted for audience participation.
NB! Before submitting, make sure that all the presenters (as you know for now) of the symposium have created a user account and entered their personal data in the conference management system. This is needed for submitting the different abstracts of the symposium.
Formal Submission Requirements
Max. 250 word structured abstract of the overall symposium (integrated summary) plus max. 250 word structured abstract for each presentation.
Abstracts of the overall symposium are structured:
- State of the Art
- New Perspectives/Contributions
- Research/Practical Implications
Abstracts of an empirical paper in a symposium are structured:
- Purpose
- Design/Methodology
- Results
- Limitations
- Research/Practical Implications
- Originality/Value
For practitioner contributions: Use the same format as a rough guideline. There are of course not the same requirements as for a scientist contribution with regard to methodological rigor.
Abstracts of theoretical presentation in a symposium/forum are structured:
- State of the Art
- New Perspectives/Contributions
- Research/Practical Implications
- Originality/Value
Examples of submissions
- A collection of presentations discussing empirical work or a combination of empirical and theoretical work about a common topic or research question.
- A collection of presentations discussing actual or potential work implementing WO techniques or addressing WO issues in organizations. These might include discussing new challenges in the work environment and innovative solutions to these challenges using the principles of WO psychology.
- A collection of presentations focusing on a single collaboration or on multiple collaborative efforts between academics and practitioners. The focus could be on the issues related to conducting such collaborations or the results of such collaborations.
(a) Scientific Poster
(b) Practitioner Poster
(c) Scientist-Practitioner Poster
Posters are short research or innovative practice presentations displayed on large printed boards (0.90 x 1,35 meter; portrait format). Individual posters will be clustered in poster sessions by the Program Committee. Poster sessions will be 60 minutes long. At each poster session, many authors simultaneously present their posters and the audience circulates and stops to discuss posters of particular interest with the authors. Presenters of the posters are kindly asked to bring handouts on their poster to the session for interested visitors.
In addition, the program committee will arrange accepted posters with a common theme into Interactive Poster Sessions. An Interactive Poster Session is a dynamic forum among presenters, a facilitator, and the audience, intended to encourage discussion and sharing of multiple perspectives.
Each Interactive Poster Session features 6-8 posters on a common theme. In the beginning of the Interactive Poster Session, each presenter introduces her/his poster with a brief statement about objectives and results (approx. 3 minutes each). This round robin intro is led by a facilitator. A brief informal discussion (questions, comments, etc.) follows this introduction. The second part of the Interactive Poster Session is similar to traditional poster sessions, with audience members visiting posters and interacting with the presenters. Interactive Poster Sessions will have the same overall time length as regular poster sessions (i.e., 45 or 60 minutes).
Authors who do not wish their posters to be considered for an Interactive Poster Session can indicate this in the “Special Requests” section when submitting the poster. Opting out of the pool for an Interactive Poster Session does not have any impact on the chances of a poster to be accepted to the EAWOP congress.
Formal Submission Requirements
Max. 250 word structured abstract:
- Purpose
- Design/Methodology
- Results
- Limitations
- Research/Practical Implications
- Originality/Value
For practitioner contributions: Use the same format as a rough guideline. There is of course not the same requirements as for a scientist contribution with regard to methodological rigor.
Single papers (Oral presentations, Keynotes, State of the Art)
(a) Scientific Paper
(b) Practitioner Paper
(c) Scientist-Practitioner Paper
Single papers present innovative research or practice projects. Presentation time 15 minutes per contribution including time for questions and discussion. Single papers will be composed of coherent groups by the program committee. One or two participants will be asked to moderate the group. For Keynotes, State of the Art presentation there is usually 45 minutes for presentation.
Formal Submission Requirements
Max. 250 word structured abstract:
- Purpose
- Design/Methodology
- Results
- Limitations
- Research/Practical Implications
- Originality/Value
For practitioner contributions: Use the same format as a rough guideline. There is of course not the same requirements as for a scientist contribution with regard to methodological rigor.
Create an user account, submit you contribution.