Keynote speakers

We are proud to present six excellent researchers. From their different research-perspectives, they will all touch upon the congress theme: “Respectful and effective leadership - managing people and organizations in turbulent times”.


Daan van Knippenberg

Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

Title:  Value-Based Leadership (download abstract)


Daan van Knippenberg

Karina Nielsen 

Norwich Business School (UK)

Title: The role of line managers in making or breaking organizational change interventions (download abstract)

Karina Nielsen

Susan Fiske

Princeton University

Title: Talking Up and Talking Down: Power of Positive Speaking (download abstract)

Susan Fiske

Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro

London School of Economics (UK)

Title: Managing the Employee-Organisation Relationship in Turbulent Times (download abstract)

Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro

Magnus Sverke  

Stockholm University (SE)

Title: Changing employment relations and perceptions of job insecurity: Challenges for employees and leaders (download abstract)

Magnus Sverke

Zeynep Aycan

Koç University (TR)

Title: Leadership for Responsible and Sustainable Environments: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (download abstract)

Zeynep Aycan